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The New Mark

The new logo comes from two ideas—home base and an open door. A homebase represents the new Boys & Girls Clubs of America as the place where gives people home feelings and a solid foundation. The open door means opportunities for all Boys & Girls Clubs of America members to chase their future. 


The elements of the logo combine the symbol of a home base and an open door. The open door means opportunities, and the orange is the warm light spilling outside.

Logo Anatomy


The new Boys and Girls Clubs of America logotype has been redesigned to fit the new mission. The logotype originally started with typeface Archer Bold. The small changes are letters has cut to fit the logo angle of 20° that makes the whole logo looks cohesive. 












Color Palette

Primary Color 

Bright Orange—Hope

Solid Gray—Foundation

For the new BGCA, we chose simple color, bright orange and solid gray, for our primary color palette. Our inspiration is based on the idea of logo—the warm light spilling outside from a open door. The bright, warm orange represents hope, and the solid gray gives the feeling of safety.


For the secondary color palette, most colors are chosen from a color range similar to the primary color palette. The brand uses black, light gray, soft yellow, and yellowish brown. The secondary color contains contents low saturation colors, in order to create contrast and set off the colors of the primary color palette.

Secondary Color 

PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C

C=60%  M=53%  Y=48%  K=20%

R=100  G=100  B=105



C=0%  M=40%  Y=100%  K=0%

R=255  G=163  B=0







Photography Style

The new BGCA’s photography style focuses on opportunity, humanity, and learning. The photos have a warm, bright color tone and convey the sense of the future and a new generation. 

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